5 Crucial Reasons Why You Should Repaint Your New Home!

Your new home is finally ready, and you are all set to decorate it! What will be your first step? Most homeowners would like to start with painting as it is convenient to paint an empty apartment. If the builder’s already given you a freshly painted home, you might not even consider painting it again!  

Here is a moment of truth. It will do a world of good to you and your new home if you push the paint job to the very end of your interior design project! And paint it, you must!

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Reasons Why You Should Repaint Your New Home!

Here’s why your new apartment’s going to need a paint job… even if it has already been painted!

1. It makes working on your décor theme more convenient

Décor themes are popular around the world. It could be anything, floral, industrial, minimalist, contemporary, filmy, rustic, bohemian, or traditional.  

For example, if you are keen on a traditional theme, you will need different elements such as solid wood furniture, low seating, curios and knick-knacks, handicrafts, brass lamps, pottery, metal or marble curios, handloom fabrics, traditional paintings, and more. You will have to ensure that you have collected the necessary elements to go with the theme.

Once all the design features are in place, you can think of colours that match the different elements. Say, if you couldn’t get all the pieces and you are unable to stick to the theme, you can always choose another theme. If you colour your walls first and then search for theme-friendly elements, then the final look may not match at all. Isn’t it better to keep painting for the last?

2. Selecting furniture first is a wiser option

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There are two main reasons to get all the furniture first for your new home before you even think of painting. One, bringing in and setting up heavy furniture can be damaging to walls. Some furniture like cabinets and wardrobes may have to be fitted on the walls. All these may mean repair work for your walls. If you paint before setting up the furniture, you will end up repainting the walls, which means extra cost and efforts.

Second, unless you are opting for customised furniture, there is only a limited option when it comes to choosing sofas, couches or cots. You buy furniture that is comfortable, stylish and aesthetic. Selecting colours that complement and accentuate your furniture is easier than searching for furniture that matches the colour palette you have chosen. It will also help you to select a piece you will be comfortable in, or else you will have to settle for a mediocre one just so that it goes with your wall colour.

If you are thinking about moving heavy furniture or worried about staining your table or couch, then you need not worry. The painters are skilled and experienced , and they will take necessary steps to protect your belongings.

After you finalise the furniture, then go for carpet shopping and only after your carpets get home, start painting your walls.

Try test patches, that is, paint a board patch with a colour you like and hold it up against your couch fabric, carpet or table to see how it looks. Both need not match perfectly, but they should look well together.

3. Your wall colours should also complement the light fixtures

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You should consider sunlight as well as the room lighting before you colour the walls because light reflects colours thereby changing its appearance. The type of lights you choose for your rooms can either enhance or underplay your wall colours.  

You can now even opt for smart LED lights whose colours can be controlled remotely. CFLs give out neutral or warm white lights likewise affecting the colours of your wall.  Incandescent lights can enhance colours such as yellows, reds, and oranges but may mute certain colours including green and blue.

Similarly, if you opt for fluorescent lights, go with green and blues as they enhance these colours. The only type of lights that make all colours look vivid is halogen lights.

Thus, it makes more sense to decide on the type of lights you wish and then choose the colours accordingly.

Additionally, if you are going for whole new lighting fixtures, you might need to get some wiring done, and this would mean drilling holes in the wall, thereby damaging the paint. So, it would only make sense postponing the paint job until this is done!

4. Why settle for boring colours

Most of the time, the builders or previous homeowners might only do a basic coating or just plain white colours before handing the flat to you. A repainting job is necessary not just to be able to choose the colours you like, but also to do a proper job of it.  A proper painting work should include scraping of walls till the POP to the final finishing touch because it will last for a long time.

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5. Décor work can cause paints to chip or walls to scrape

While the interior work is on, be it electrical work, false ceiling installation or cabinet work, the walls may have to be drilled, panels might be removed, paints might be chipped, or it might put permanent stains on the walls. Thus, you will have to opt for repainting after the completion of repairs. Hence, keeping painting work for last will prevent the stress of painting twice and to also save you money.

Projects You Need To Complete Before Getting A Paint Job…

Even if you only have to redo specific projects at your new home, consider painting only after the work is completed. Redoing floors, for example, can be messy with dust and cement all around which can even stick to the walls. Sometimes, your walls can also be damaged in the process. So, start painting the walls only after the new floors are installed.

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Likewise, remodelling work, be it your bathroom or kitchen, can also cause damage to your walls.

Thus, keeping the painting work for last not only saves you money and efforts, but it will also ensure your new home will sparkle for a long time.

If you are looking to get your home done up, get in touch with Hipcouch today!

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