Chandelier and Centrepiece Ideas that will Light Up your Home

Many homemakers are becoming adventurous when it comes to adorning their homes with centrepiece artefacts and overall lighting. Innovative lighting styles for small apartments using contemporary chandeliers and novel dining and living centrepiece styles are in vogue nowadays.

Chandelier Ideas To Suit Contemporary Homes

Like most fashionable things, chandeliers - statement lighting fixtures, have a French connect. The word chandelier originated from its medieval cousins, the candelabra. It is also called girandole or the least common form of 'suspended lights.' In fact, if we take a glimpse into the etymology of the word, its origin is 'chandelle', the French name for candles.

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Traditional chandeliers used candles as their source of light, and later, these candles were replaced with gas lights. Traditional chandeliers were also more ornate. Developments in glassmaking coupled with Bohemian and Venetian glassmakers' expertise led to the development of glass chandeliers that had spectacular light reflection due to the use of crystal prisms. When hung from high ceilings (especially in palaces and churches), these created a beautiful array of lighting encompassing and illuminating a vast area. No doubt chandeliers have opulence embedded with them.

Today, however, there are more contemporary versions of chandeliers that are suitable for smaller apartments. These contemporary versions retain most of the aesthetic elements of their classic counterparts, while at the same time being less elaborate to suit small spaces.

Let's see some contemporary styles to suit modern homes that have lower ceilings. We have also hinted as to where these chandeliers can be placed for best results.

#1. Wagon Wheel Chandelier:

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As the name suggests, these chandeliers are made from old wagon wheels. Some of them may also be reinforced with steel. These are great to lighten narrow pathways or foyer. These suit a rustic or industrial style décor.

#2. Crystal Piece Chandelier:

Crystal chandeliers act as a statement piece, especially when installed in large spaces like living or dining rooms. They add more grandeur to marble top tables or velvet furniture.

#3. Non-Crystal Options:

Crystal chandeliers are definitely luxurious. But one need not always stick-on to this ‘wow-so-traditional’ option. There are numerous non-crystal options that give an equally dramatic effect. For instance, one can go ahead with stained glass options, shimmering glass or metals, bubble bulbs (common in Sputnik chandeliers). One can also go in for natural materials like sea-shells, beads, paper etc.

#4. Industrial Style Chandelier:

Industrial style chandeliers are well-suited for urban homes with an edge. These type of chandeliers take the cue from industrial age and early machine designs and mimic the design and elements of industrial areas like warehouses, factories, etc. These are in stark contrast to the plush chandeliers, and they are made to look quite modern, like tungsten bulbs with ropes and exposed wires. These types of chandeliers can be hung anywhere, and they definitely look great on dining areas, balconies and on entryways.

#5. Bohemian Style Chandelier:

Bring back your candlelit dinner evenings with “Bohemian” style chandeliers. We are not talking about the traditional exquisite crystal chandeliers of the Chez Republic. There are lots of offbeat Bohemian style chandeliers suited for small apartments. True to the bohemian style of myriad colours, shapes, and styles, there are various artsy paper hand-made chandeliers available in a cluster of hanging pendants. Find one and install them in the perfect spot, and you will be surprised to see the transformation of lighting in that room. Bohemian-style chandeliers look great in any room.

#6. Turn Vintage Objects d ’décor into Chandeliers

For a truly impressive and distinct chandelier, one should look nothing beyond vintage objects that can double as lighting fixtures. Keep an eye for vintage objects (like large metal pieces, bohemian baskets, old cans etc.) in flea markets or at any vintage shops. Round shapes go better. Vintage chandeliers can be placed in offbeat locations as well, like in the kitchen, powder room, patio, and so on.

#7. Minimalistic Design Chandelier:

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If your home boasts minimalism with neutrals and simple shapes and straight-lined furniture, the lighting should complement the style equally. Opt for a cluster of simple pendant lights that not only look sophisticated but are also easy on the beholder's eyes. They can be hung on the living or dining rooms in line with the minimalistic furniture pieces.

Where Should You Hang Your Chandelier?

The thumb rule is to hang the chandelier 3 feet (36 inches) above the table or 6 feet (72 inches) off the flooring.

Awesome Centrepiece Ideas to Pair with your Chandelier Lighting

Whether you're sitting down for New Year dinner or hosting a party for friends, these living rooms and dining tabletop ideas will perfectly accentuate any occasion you have in mind.

Dining Room Centerpiece Ideas:

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Heavy Metal

Any heavy metal object like a galvanized box or traditional stone vessels can be chosen as the base for filling with oversized leaves.

Pine Cones and Sticks

This option is not only in-expensive but visually appealing as well. Scavenge for huge pine cones and distinctly shaped branches and place them in a clear vase to create an impressive effect.

Terrarium Table Tops

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Terrarium table centrepieces are a great option, and there are so many terrarium ideas to choose from. Cacti, dried flowers, succulents, sea-shells, scented candles, stones, candles; you can put practically anything inside a terrarium, and it will turn out to be great! The best part of a terrarium is that you can customise it to echo your personal style.

Other Dining centrepiece ideas include lanterns, old mason jars, etc., that can be filled with fragrant flora and fauna to add charm to your tabletop.

Living Room Centrepiece Ideas

  • Section-off your living room with a brightly coloured sofa and a sofa table beside it. Choose a few impressive decorative elements like a stone centre table with a glass top, or a huge impressive statue or a solid vase.

  • Create an impressive conversation area in a corner with cushioned armchairs and a light coffee table. Stack some interesting coffee table books to start a conversation. You can also use large cushioned leather armchairs and pair them with wooden coffee tables.

  • An oversized sofa makes a dramatic centrepiece in a living room. They also make a comfortable seating option for guests and family members alike.

  • A floor-to-ceiling bookshelf placed in the living room will create a strong focal point. You can fill it with interesting reads and also place some interesting décor in-between them.

  • Whether you want to combine interesting boho lighting with a colourful Philadelphia floral table centrepiece or pair industrial style lighting with a minimalistic vintage centrepiece, the choices are endless. But make sure your lighting style synchronises with the centrepiece décor to truly complete the look.

We hope you enjoyed our simple balcony remodel tips. Let us know what idea inspired you the most.

If you are looking to give your home a makeover, feel free to get in touch with a Hipcouch expert.