Working from home? Creative ways to be comfortable and productive!

Work from home might be a first time experience for many of us. It can be overwhelming, confusing, and relieving at the same time! However, we all would eventually settle into this new normal.

It is rightly said that keep your face towards the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Well, it’s all a game of perspective….Train your brain to flip the script.

WORKING FROM HOME = Comfort, this is the equation to follow.

So, if you too are someone looking for ways to make the most of you work-from-home time and being productive and comfortable, we have something just for you. 

Awesome Ideas for a Fascinating Work-from-Home Experience


Work Desk On Wheels

Have a balcony? Make the most of it! Use any table which may have wheels. Could be a sewing machine table or a coffee-table with wheels... .Pull it on the balcony and your beautifully motivating office is set.

Portable Laptop Table

Let’s consider there is a day when you want to sink in your bed and don’t want to get out of it., We have a solution to that too. Simply pick a foldable table, open it up and place a jug filled with water and flowers near you, and you are good to go for the day!

Work With A View


There might be days when you want to connect with the  outdoors. You could use a chaise near the window as a platform. This  serves you with the flexibility to sit or slide in any posture you want. You can also add a  side table to fit in your stationery. A white board inclined towards the window helps you jot down those random yet productive ideas you could use later. 

All of this makes it an enjoyable workday.

Transform It From Blah to Beautiful


You might have a study desk placed against a wall. You might be bored of gazing at it.A simple solution could be to pin up articles that inspire you! You could also add a weekly chart on the wall, a wall clock, to beautify your desk. Even adding artifacts and plants are a good way to add the element of fun to your ‘make-shift-workplace’ at home.

Dine It Up

You could be using the dining table to keep your work going. Set up an office there... stack up your papers,you could even spread out all your necessities on the table.What’s more, you could have your kids on the other side doing their work, which helps you balance work and family.

Tidy Workstation Under the Staircase

An uncommon space to set up a tidy workstation, is under the stairs. It could be a space where you can spend a lot of your working time, with zero disturbance.. It just might give you an office vibe too.

And... It’s A Wrap

Hope we were able to provide you with efficient hacks to make the most of your work-from-home experience.

For more ideas and hacks on interior designing feel free to explore our blog. Looking at redoing your place but can’t proceed due to the current situation? Simply book a design consultation with us over a video call. 

Stay Safe, Stay Home!