Home Office Conference Setup: 8 Professional Back Wall Ideas

Believe it or not, professionalism and productivity have a direct correlation with architecture and ambience. It is imperative to set a productive mood at an office, especially home offices, which motivates the people working in an otherwise monotonous environment and helps in meeting the deadlines.

Such an ambience can be set in numerous ways, and redecorating your home office is just one of them. Just tweaking the wallpaper on your home office wall or adding some motivational posters can create a huge difference. A little effort on the architectural front can directly impact the success of your business, even when it is operated from the comfort of your home

8 Interior Design Hacks for Home Office Back Walls

While work from home is still a relatively new concept, if you are doing it, you will require a space solely dedicated to that purpose, a room where the limits of home and office coincide. 

Work from home means spending hours on client calls and team meets virtually. To do your best, you need to feel at ease and confident, and your surrounding plays an important role in it.

So, when it comes to designing your home office space, the back wall should be given special importance because it will be visible during the conference calls and will contribute to people’s impression of you.

Here we will take a look at some brilliant ideas to make your back walls office-perfect.

1. Use 3D Letters to Decorate the Back Wall

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You can use 3D letters to decorate the back wall of your home office. You can spell anything from motivational words, personal messages, special reminders, etc. using those 3D letters. Opt for colours that contrast with the colour of your back wall, and you can choose from a variety of bold, italic, or embossed fonts available. 

2. Add Some Colourful Posters

A single poster or two can alter the whole look of a room with minimum effort. Colourful and vibrant posters on the back wall of your office add to the mood of the room and show your style.

You can go for motivational posters or calming landscapes to keep your spirit high during the time you work.  

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3. Introduce a Little Green into the Room

You can introduce the colour Green into your office room to give it a more homely and lively appearance. This can be done with the addition of some green plants and shrubs in your room. 

Scientifically, the colour Green is known to be a colour that lifts spirits and brings forth a calm feeling in your mind. Adding some green plants and hanging them on your back wall, can liven up your home office and give it a fresh vibe that no other decoration can. 

4. Hang Some Abstract Paintings

Abstract paintings are known to add a modern yet mystical appeal to the room they are placed in. Abstract paintings are not only stunning portrayals of modern art and ideas but are also representations of innovation and creativity. All of these things are required to form a functional workspace, even when it is in your home. 

Such paintings can truly liven up your room during a video call. A single abstract painting on the backdrop of a plain back wall is all that's needed to turn your home office into a haven. 

5. Add in Some Shelves

You can add on some shelves on your back wall, to not only utilize the extra space but to also throw in some decorative effect in your home office. You can place some plants on those shelves, or you can use the space to store some books or even decorative vases - the choice is up to you.  

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This way, you can make good use of the space on your office wall, and also give it a homely touch, which is necessary to maintain a balance between your home and your office. You can paint the shelves with your favourite colour, or you can decorate them using some stickers or pictures to give them a warm, personal touch. 

6. Manage your time well

Clocks are a great way to decorate your home office. Clocks are available in all shapes and sizes and in all price ranges. You can even hang an antique clock on your wall to add a vintage charm to the room.

You can use different wall clocks depicting different hours in different parts of the world to remind you that the world never stops for anyone. This little piece of motivation can work wonders for your home office, and you can also add in some pretty accessories to give it your personal touch.

7. Bring in some fresh flowers

Flowers go with everything, and no matter where you put them, they always manage to bring a tone of hopefulness with them. If you happen to like flowers or floral designs, you can add some beautiful floral wallpapers on your back wall or even use fake flowers to decorate it. Check out our wallpaper guide to find out the best one for your home.

8. Show off your collection

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If you are passionate about collecting anything, may it be stamp paper or art pieces, you can use your back wall to show them off. After all, your back wall should do justice to your personal style, so why not use it to show off your hobby? And the best way to do so is to turn your office back wall into an art gallery.

Your home office is your haven, where you can work and relax at the same time. It connects two crucial aspects of your life, so no matter how you want to decorate it, make sure that you do it to increase your comfort level, and also have some fun along the way. 

If you want to implement some new ideas into decorating your back wall, then you can always seek professional guidance from professional interior designers.