5 Design Ideas to Build a Fully Functional WFH Office in Your Apartment

If the way you go about your work has changed in 2020, you’re not alone. There are millions out there who have had to give up on daily traveling to take up working from home. Whether we like it or not, that’s the new reality we are looking at.

If you have somehow managed to secure a temporary space within your apartment for your work and thought you might no longer need it once the lockdown ended, think again. Many offices, including Google and Microsoft, are extending work from home. So, most likely, you will need to make that temporary space permanent as of now.

Stunning Home Office Ideas in 2021

Creating a home office inside your Mumbai apartment can be a little tricky considering the space limitations. Not everyone may be able to set aside an entire room for an office but don’t you worry. We have come up with super simple, practical, and effective tips to help you build a cosy, comfortable, convenient, and functional home office where you will love to work (yes, it is possible to love your work!):

Create a dedicated space.

When you work from home, you can work from any part of your home, be it your kitchen, bed, sofa, dining table, window seat, or the floor if you please. But, let that be an option and not your permanent working space. Look for a place that you can redesign as your workspace. It could be a corner in your bedroom or living room or the guest room.

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When you have a designated home office, it will help in two ways: One, it allows you to work in peace without distractions, and second, it will also be an invisible demarcation from the rest of the home, thereby keeping your work life and personal life separate as well.

If possible, utilise the space near a window as you can enjoy natural light, and a view when you wish to take a break. Another vital point to remember is to install a devoted power outlet near the space for convenience. Once you have selected the space, now it is time to convert it into a perfect home office!

Choose your tools and equipment.

Apart from the computer, what else will you need? Make a list of all the possible things you will need for your work. Will you need printers and scanners? If yes, think of a storage system that will help arrange these different things systematically without cluttering your desk.

A small whiteboard or a pegboard (as per the space available) will be a perfect visual reminder about the day’s tasks and deadlines.

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Ergonomic Furniture is a must.

Sitting in one position for long in chairs that don’t comfort your back can pose health challenges in the future. Bring in chairs and desks that are compatible with your body. Invest in ergonomic furniture or furniture that can adapt to the shape of the body providing comfort and ensuring proper posture. 

Ensure your chairs come with a headrest and backrest to support your neck, shoulders, and the natural curve of your spine.

As for the desk, buy one that fits in the space you have chosen. You can either get a sturdy desk or a small table. Wall-mounted desks are also suitable for a home office as they save space but provide enough room for comfortable working.

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You can also look at the sit-stand desks which are trending worldwide. You will also get desk risers to help you convert your existing desk into a sit-stand desk. An ideal working posture would be where the monitor sits at your eye level, and the keyboards and mouse are reachable easily without straining on your shoulders and arms.

Nature to nudge you towards perfection.

The best spot for a workspace is near a window as you will get ample natural light. Studies show that natural light has a positive impact on the morale and productivity of people. Ample light in your home office also means more alertness, improved mood, and less eye strain. Another advantage of natural light is that it makes space seem bigger and the design more appealing. But ensure that sunlight does not fall on the computer directly as it could cause glares and shadows hindering your work.

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Get a little more of nature in your home office through plants. The presence of cheerful plants can cheer up your mood and give you enough oxygen and fresh air to keep you rejuvenated. Plants also bring in the joyous green colour to the ambience and a pleasant relief from harmful screen lights.

Now, not all home offices are blessed with natural light. In that case, let the lighting do the work for you. In addition to the ambient or the main ceiling lights, get an adjustable desk lamp with dimmers if possible. You can adjust the intensity of the light as per the activity you are performing: reading, writing, or attending a virtual meeting.

Storage and space optimisation clear clutter and mind.

Even if it is only a corner, try to build shelves, open or closed, for ample storage. You will need a dedicated space for your books, notepads, stationeries, files, and other things. Make the best use of vertical space for more storage and a clean look. Consider a pin board for convenient organisation.

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Reduce clutter with clever storage solutions. Keep only those things that you need on a daily basis. Organise your wires and cords to prevent the messy and dusty look.

You can use your favourite mugs or colourful jute or fabric baskets for storage purposes. They will also add an element of décor.

Inspirational décor to get over office blues.

Why settle for a dull home office when you can decorate it creatively? Wallpapers, wall décor, sculptures, or posters with motivational quotes can cheer up your workspace and provide you with the encouragement you need to put up your best work!

Finally, add your personality to your office.

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It could be a photograph, floral wallpaper, or a candy pink wall. If colours make you happy, look for colourful décor items, storage, or stationery that lends a spark and cheer to your workspace.

If neutrals make you at peace, go for it. At the end of the day, it is your office. Make it an extension of your personality that welcomes you every time you step into it.

A small space or a room devoted to your home office, an appealing and functional design is a must to make it work to your best advantage. If you are unsure about creating a home office in your apartment, get in touch with our experts who can help you create a magical and productive home office that will inspire and cheer you up!