Six Kids’ Bedroom Designing Tips for Work-From-Home Parents

Bedroom designing for kids can be challenging. Kids can be extremely picky with their preferences, and they can be judgy if you throw anything at them. After all, it's going to be the room that will host them for years; they’ll make countless memories, fun, and so much more in their space. Designing their bedroom is a tough job. 

Before you go all glitter, sparkles, neons, and polka dots, pause and make a plan for your kid’s bedroom. You don’t want it to look like a cluttered mess. We got you. Here's a list of swoon-worthy kid's rooms and expert decorating advice. 

Tips for Bedroom Designing for your Kids

Children have many endearing qualities; innocence, creativity, wit, imagination, and expression. These qualities can be expressed freely in their bedroom to mimic their unique personality. 

As a parent, you must ensure you don’t give in to your child’s stubborn wishes and get them a, say, for instance, Peppa pig themed bedroom because three years down the line they’ll outgrow it. 

And you don’t want to spend the cost of redecorating. So while you can take suggestions from your kid (it’s their room, after all), keep a practical mind on what the room should look like even when your child grows up. 

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Your kid’s bedroom should serve multiple purposes - a study room, a play sanctuary, and most of all, a place where they can rest their weary heads after a long day of play and activities. So keep reading to see some bedroom designing tips for your kid to create their perfect haven.

1. Keep the walls subtle

The wall of your kid’s bedroom should ideally be a blank canvas to showcase quirky decorative items that bring about a child-like innocence. Pastel colours like pastel blue, sunshine yellow, and baby pink are the perfect hues for some positive energy in your kid’s space. 

And if you can’t refrain from wallpaper, some soothing cloud-like shapes or other subtle and dreamy patterns are best to maintain positivity while not overdoing it. Additionally, you can also have some fun graphics that bring in a bit of energy to the room! Whether it’s painted via stencil or wallpaper, a few pictures go a long way in zesting up the bedroom space. 

2. Minimalism is key

Nowadays, many parents opt for the less is more attitude in their homes and even in their kids’ bedrooms. Keep the kid’s room decor simple, modern, and to a minimum. This is ideal for giving your kid some much-needed play space and redecorating. Minimalist styles often translate to a lot of floor space, which could be your kids’ playground and a launchpad of their imaginations. 

3. Creative Furniture 

Keeping a bedroom well-organised means having perfectly functional storage, especially for your kids’ bedroom, as they have the most toys. 

There are many available options online for storage, whether they’re cartoon-themed, quirky shaped, or in limitless colour options! Your storage should fulfil two primary purposes: functionality and style. 

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Most importantly, a style that is fun and well-fitted for a kid. Make practical choices that are quirky and whimsical, such as colourful baskets, chests, and wardrobes. 

Additionally, create a productive environment in your kid’s room for them to learn. For example, install a study table with ample lighting and a comfortable chair to go along with it, or install beanbags for relaxing reading time. Adding a bookshelf in the kid’s room is another way to influence them to read and boost their knowledge. 

4. Art attack  

If you’re a maximalist and you don’t want to opt for subtle and straightforward, then the best way to decorate your kid’s room is to incorporate bright colours that bring life to the room. 

Pick yourself a peppy colour scheme like no other for a space that’s energetic, fun, and cheery. There are many ways to incorporate a colour scheme in the room, be it with the walls, the storage, the bed, and even the curtains and floors. Additionally, you can have colourful decor accents of things that your child loves, such as minion soft toys or power ranger statues. 

Another great way to add some life with colour to your kid’s bedroom is with invigorating artwork. Use your artwork to create pops of colour, or install inspirational quotes as affirmations for your child to read every day. A little art can go a long way in bedroom designing, so choose wisely. 

5. Quirky decor  

The best way to mimic a fun, childlike personality in your kid's bedroom is through a bit of quirky decor. Jazz it up with a fun swing in the room, or get your child a chalkboard to draw and do homework on. You can even go a little wild, get a floor piano for the corner of the bedroom for your kid to play in harmony with instrumental sounds. Additionally, why not create a safe little tent or fort in the room as your kid's safe space? There’s so much to do, the options are limitless! The idea is to go quirky with the decor. 

6. Light it up 

Lights can make or break the look of a space, and the right lighting is all it takes to differentiate a room from upbeat and cheery to dull and gloomy. So for your kid's bedroom design, you must get some bright lights to amp up the look of the space. For instance, you can opt for fairy lights around the bed or colourful LED lights installed in the false ceiling to create a fun aura. Additionally, glow in the dark nightlights, or glow in the dark ceiling stickers create a mysteriously fun vibe that’s perfect for the kid’s bedroom. 

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Whether you’re dealing with a messy boy who is daddy’s little prince or a petite little girl who is sporty, the above tips are all you need to decorate their bedroom design according to their tastes (and yours).

We hope the above bedroom designing tips were helpful. For more information on how to design your kid’s bedroom, book a design consultation with us at Hipcouch, and let the magic unleash.