7 Office Interior Design Tips to Create the Office of Your Dreams

Put yourself in the shoes of someone visiting an office. Have you ever been in awe of the space? Judged the company by the sheer optics of their office? Well, first impressions may not always be the last, but they certainly are lasting. 

Why is the office’s interior design important?

Offices are formal spaces. They act as the first line of communication between a company and a client. They are also spaces frequented by employees daily. The office environment can, therefore, have a direct impact on your company’s output. So, it is important to plan your office interior design carefully and systematically. Not only will it enable higher productivity, but it can also seal the deal with an impressed client. Here are a few key points to keep in mind before designing (or redesigning) your office.

1. Light 

Light is the source of energy that enables us to see things. It is no doubt that light becomes very important while designing a space. What you choose to illuminate, directs a viewer’s line of sight. The intensity of the light also helps to build a mood and can uplift or lower one’s state of mind. 

There are two types of light – Natural and artificial. India is a country with an ample amount of sunlight available year-round. Harnessing it is one of the most cost-effective ways to make your office space inviting and warm. But, not all office spaces are in bright and sunny buildings. If this is the case, focus on designing artificial light in an efficient and artistic manner. Although, most office spaces have a combination of both types of light. 

The colour temperature of light is also important in building an atmosphere. Cooler tones, hinging on the bluer end of the spectrum, create a cold atmosphere. Warmer tones can make a space cosy and comfortable. For an office, you require a combination of both. You want your team to feel comfortable without falling asleep. Right?  

2. Colour Psychology 

Colours can have a subtle yet powerful impact on one’s mood. Different hues trigger different emotional responses in the mind. It follows then, that the colour scheme of your office should be chosen very carefully. For example, yellow and orange make people feel cheerful, bright and warm. But the wrong tone of yellow can make one feel ill or anxious. Red, also part of the same family, triggers feelings of rage and power. Red is often used as an accent colour and not the primary wall colour. Spaces designed for a specific purpose must have complementary colour palettes. 

Greens and blues are some of the most popular colour choices for offices. They bring the colours of nature inside a room. Greens make a room fresh and energising while blues are calming and encourage focus. Your choice of colour is indicative of the personality of your company, so think this through. 

You can learn more about colour psychology here

3. The Personality 

The office should reflect the personality of your brand. So before you begin, pause and consider the values that your company stands for. Furthermore, consider your primary clientele. Are you a brand catering to a younger population or are you selling timelessness? Accordingly, opt for a style that complements your value system. Sharp lines, glass and cooler tones reflect a cutting-edge, technology-driven personality. Rounded furniture, natural textures and warm tones showcase an earthy, rooted quality. Your office should be a space where your personality finds expression and thrives.

Read about how you can use different textures here

4. Sustainability 

The question of sustainability is two-fold. The most pressing concern of our generation is to reduce our carbon footprint. It is wasteful, not to mention, expensive to keep redoing an office space. Our places of work should thus be running on sustainable energy and outfitted with good quality material that lasts. Concerning renewable energy, solar energy is a good option to turn to. It is expensive to set up but pays for itself in the long run. Invest in environmentally sustainable practices. 

Read more about eco-friendly design options here

5. Invest in your team

The other fold of sustainability is investing in people. Every business owner knows that a loyal and well-oiled team is the key to success.  Thus, it is important to ask your employees what works well for them. For example, people who work desk-jobs have to sit for hours during the day. In the long term, this can cause back pain and other health concerns. It is wise to invest in good quality, ergonomically designed chairs. This is a different type of sustainability. Thinking about the people who will use the space most will infuse it with good, harmonious energy.

6. Efficient Use of Space 

Open-plan offices are very popular nowadays. They encourage collaboration between teams and foster an atmosphere of flexibility and creativity. However, designing an open plan office can be tricky. People should have dedicated spaces to focus and think deeply. But the energy of bodies in space should also invite serendipitous collaboration. Many other spaces are also required such as a break room, a conference room and private meeting rooms. The colour scheme of each room should complement its purpose. The flow of the space needs to be seamless, and lighting must be designed with care. With so many requirements to fulfil, space designing is imperative.

Get some more tips on designing an open plan office here

7. Vastu 

Vastu Shastra are a set of ancient guidelines that align the functions of a space with nature. It is meant to generate the flow of energy within the space and cultivate goodwill and prosperity. Many people like to align their workspaces in accordance with these principles. Doing so, within the confines of a given structure can be a difficult feat to achieve. Here is a quick list of Vastu tips for Mumbai homes that can be easily adapted for office spaces. 

Get in touch

We understand that as a business owner, you have a lot of things on your plate. Your office's interior design shouldn’t be one of them. To book a consultation with us, click the link here and we will be able to help you visualise the office of your dreams.